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"We are not a drop in the ocean but the ocean in a drop"  


Un círculo de mujeres es un espacio seguro y sagrado para que las mujeres nos reunamos, usemos nuestras voces, seamos escuchadas y reconocidas. 


El Yin Yoga es una práctica pasiva meditativa

que nos devuelve al momento presente

y nos invita a conectar con nosotros mismos.


“Lisi has the natural ability to create an automatically calming, nurturing space full of trust where I could just be me. I didn’t worry about the madness coming out of my mouth as I knew it would be absorbed and not judged. That’s pretty rare these days and a real treat.


The physical beauty she creates with the circle of treasure, crystals, cards and gems represent the care she places on holding this space... it’s no easy task and the preparation is evident. Magical moments, I can’t wait for many more I hope. The best bit ever, no surprise, dancing through the rice paddies in the silent disco!” 


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